We have a big vision. We aspire to be a loving community uniting reason with spiritual exploration to transform ourselves and the world.
Board Priorities 2023-2024
* We commit to aligning staff and ministerial salaries with the UUA suggested midpoint guidelines.
* We commit to implementing a funding plan for building and grounds sustainability.
* We commit to increasing involvement and engagement across all parts of the congregation and strengthening volunteer leadership.
* We commit to expanding collaborative efforts on human rights advocacy including but not limited to Justice in Action, legislative advocacy, and social movements that align with our denominational values.
* We commit to aligning staff and ministerial salaries with the UUA suggested midpoint guidelines.
* We commit to implementing a funding plan for building and grounds sustainability.
* We commit to increasing involvement and engagement across all parts of the congregation and strengthening volunteer leadership.
* We commit to expanding collaborative efforts on human rights advocacy including but not limited to Justice in Action, legislative advocacy, and social movements that align with our denominational values.
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