What is the best way to get connected?
We highly recommend that you subscribe to our all church eblasts and request to join our Facebook social group in order to stay up-to-date with everything we offer. For security reasons, we do not publicly share Zoom links to our gatherings. Instead, we list them in our daily email and post them in our Facebook social group.
To subscribe to our all church eblasts , CLICK HERE.
To request to join our Facebook Social Group, CLICK HERE.
When does the Sunday service start?
Our services premiere on YouTube at 10:00AM Central Time every Sunday. You can watch online or visit us in person at 6300 A Street. If you have questions, please contact our Administrative Director Jean Helms at [email protected].
To join us virtually, you can subscribe to our channel by CLICKING HERE to stay updated with us. Our services are viewable any time after the premiere on our YouTube channel; however, to interact with us in the live chat box during service, we encourage you to start watching at 10:00AM Central Time.
What happens during the worship service?
Services follow this general outline: opening words, chalice lighting, congregational singing, a time for all ages story, a sermon, more singing, a time of sharing joys and sorrows and silent reflection, closing music, and closing words.
What are the sermons like?
Our sermons may be quite different from what you are used to if you have been attending another congregation. Our sermons are not based on bible readings, and we have no creed in Unitarian Universalist churches and fellowships. We believe that our members have a good sense of who they are and what we need to do as individuals to make our world a better place. We believe that any salvation that we find will come here on earth for the work that we do here. We have a set of principles that we use to guide our daily lives.
Our sermons range over a wide variety of topics and generally have a thought-provoking message to them. Sermons are given by our interim minister, Rev. A. J. Galazen, on most Sundays. On other Sundays, our Worship Associates lead the service. They may choose to invite a speaker from the community, or they may choose to offer the sermon themselves.
Are the services all-ages?
Most services contain content that is suitable for young ears and developing minds; however, each week is different. For more information, please contact our Director of Religious Growth, Chelsea Krafka, at [email protected].
Do you have a weekday service?
Yes, we host a monthly evening Worship service on the Third Thursday at 7:00PM. This informal service is music-based.
Will I be welcome?
Yes, absolutely. We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We encourage our members and friends to accept one another and to seek spiritual growth. We have a rich heritage of encouraging individuals on their spiritual path wherever that may lead them. We respect and encourage all in their spiritual journey. We have members who are rich and poor, of all ethnic backgrounds, young and old, heterosexual, gay, gender-neutral, and transgender. Our members come from many different occupations, cultural heritages, and religious backgrounds.
What if I am part of an interfaith family?
Many of our church families choose to worship with us because we celebrate many religious traditions in our church services. We often use readings in our church services from other faith traditions.
Will I be welcome if I’m agnostic or atheist?
You are welcome. Within our membership are agnostics, atheists, humanists, theists, and pagans who revere the natural world. We offer people a safe place to explore and grow spiritually, wherever they start from and wherever they journey to. We provide religious education for their children, teaching them how to make informed and ethical choices; we provide a larger forum for making a difference in the world through social action; and we provide a vibrant social community.
What holidays are celebrated?
Unitarian Universalism draws upon many religious traditions. Often we celebrate religious holidays including Easter, Passover, Summer and Winter Solstices, Day of the Dead, Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. When we celebrate, we do so in a way that speaks to the Unitarian Universalist faith.
Will I be pressured to join or convert?
No. We strive to be friendly. We do not ask visitors to join our church right away. We invite you to participate in classes to inform you of Unitarian Universalist beliefs and practices. You will make your own choice as to whether you would like to join us in membership. You are free to take part in most offerings that we have here whether you are a member or not. We would hope that after you learn more about us, and find that you are comfortable among us, that you will want to join us freely in the exploration of your spiritual life.
What is the best way to get connected?
We highly recommend that you subscribe to our all church eblasts and request to join our Facebook social group in order to stay up-to-date with everything we offer. For security reasons, we do not publicly share Zoom links to our gatherings. Instead, we list them in our daily email and post them in our Facebook social group.
To subscribe to our all church eblasts , CLICK HERE.
To request to join our Facebook Social Group, CLICK HERE.
When does the Sunday service start?
Our services premiere on YouTube at 10:00AM Central Time every Sunday. You can watch online or visit us in person at 6300 A Street. If you have questions, please contact our Administrative Director Jean Helms at [email protected].
To join us virtually, you can subscribe to our channel by CLICKING HERE to stay updated with us. Our services are viewable any time after the premiere on our YouTube channel; however, to interact with us in the live chat box during service, we encourage you to start watching at 10:00AM Central Time.
What happens during the worship service?
Services follow this general outline: opening words, chalice lighting, congregational singing, a time for all ages story, a sermon, more singing, a time of sharing joys and sorrows and silent reflection, closing music, and closing words.
What are the sermons like?
Our sermons may be quite different from what you are used to if you have been attending another congregation. Our sermons are not based on bible readings, and we have no creed in Unitarian Universalist churches and fellowships. We believe that our members have a good sense of who they are and what we need to do as individuals to make our world a better place. We believe that any salvation that we find will come here on earth for the work that we do here. We have a set of principles that we use to guide our daily lives.
Our sermons range over a wide variety of topics and generally have a thought-provoking message to them. Sermons are given by our interim minister, Rev. A. J. Galazen, on most Sundays. On other Sundays, our Worship Associates lead the service. They may choose to invite a speaker from the community, or they may choose to offer the sermon themselves.
Are the services all-ages?
Most services contain content that is suitable for young ears and developing minds; however, each week is different. For more information, please contact our Director of Religious Growth, Chelsea Krafka, at [email protected].
Do you have a weekday service?
Yes, we host a monthly evening Worship service on the Third Thursday at 7:00PM. This informal service is music-based.
Will I be welcome?
Yes, absolutely. We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We encourage our members and friends to accept one another and to seek spiritual growth. We have a rich heritage of encouraging individuals on their spiritual path wherever that may lead them. We respect and encourage all in their spiritual journey. We have members who are rich and poor, of all ethnic backgrounds, young and old, heterosexual, gay, gender-neutral, and transgender. Our members come from many different occupations, cultural heritages, and religious backgrounds.
What if I am part of an interfaith family?
Many of our church families choose to worship with us because we celebrate many religious traditions in our church services. We often use readings in our church services from other faith traditions.
Will I be welcome if I’m agnostic or atheist?
You are welcome. Within our membership are agnostics, atheists, humanists, theists, and pagans who revere the natural world. We offer people a safe place to explore and grow spiritually, wherever they start from and wherever they journey to. We provide religious education for their children, teaching them how to make informed and ethical choices; we provide a larger forum for making a difference in the world through social action; and we provide a vibrant social community.
What holidays are celebrated?
Unitarian Universalism draws upon many religious traditions. Often we celebrate religious holidays including Easter, Passover, Summer and Winter Solstices, Day of the Dead, Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. When we celebrate, we do so in a way that speaks to the Unitarian Universalist faith.
Will I be pressured to join or convert?
No. We strive to be friendly. We do not ask visitors to join our church right away. We invite you to participate in classes to inform you of Unitarian Universalist beliefs and practices. You will make your own choice as to whether you would like to join us in membership. You are free to take part in most offerings that we have here whether you are a member or not. We would hope that after you learn more about us, and find that you are comfortable among us, that you will want to join us freely in the exploration of your spiritual life.