There are dozens of SOCIAL EVENTS that will help you feel connected!
- 6300 Dinner Club
- Mah Jong Group
- Bridge Groups
- Coffee House Game Night
- Full Moon Circle
- Helping Hands
- Meditation
- Men's Discussion Group (UMDOC - Unitarian Men Discussing Over Coffee)
- Tai Chi
- UU Women's Book Group
- Way Station Concerts
If you want to get more information or find out when these social events meet, you will find the contacts listed alphabetically by the Group or Activity name on the Committees & Activities Leaders list.
Perhaps what you are also looking for is information about classes/workshops and community organizing? That would be ADULT EDUCATION or THE OUTREACH CLUSTER (which includes Social Justice and Green Sanctuary.)
The quilt featured in the header of this page is by the artist Peg Green and is entitled "Labyrinth Chalice". To see more of these art quilts go to