A loving community uniting reason with spiritual exploration to transform ourselves and our world.
A loving community uniting reason with spiritual exploration to transform ourselves and our world.
We are people
of open minds,
loving hearts,
and helping hands,
who show up
Our covenant, as a welcoming congregation, is to inspire a sense of awe, joy and reverence in people of all ages. We celebrate through words, music and the arts. We actively model an inclusive, diverse, and sustainable community. We each contribute to the work of the church. We provide a safe and nurturing haven for free thought. We treat each other with loving kindness. We cultivate growth and celebrate the changes growth brings.
You can read our Covenant of Right Relations here. To view a recorded Discussion of our Covenant of Right Relation, please click here.
We are people
of open minds,
loving hearts,
and helping hands,
who show up
Our covenant, as a welcoming congregation, is to inspire a sense of awe, joy and reverence in people of all ages. We celebrate through words, music and the arts. We actively model an inclusive, diverse, and sustainable community. We each contribute to the work of the church. We provide a safe and nurturing haven for free thought. We treat each other with loving kindness. We cultivate growth and celebrate the changes growth brings.
You can read our Covenant of Right Relations here. To view a recorded Discussion of our Covenant of Right Relation, please click here.
The Unitarian Church of Lincoln has a long and varied history. Our ministers and members have been integral in the establishment and perpetuation of organizations working to root out and halt oppression in our community. Read more about our history on the 150th Anniversary page and more about why we are so proud of our Green Building.