During the church year, Middle and High School youth have the option to attend classes or stay in the Sunday Service. The first and third Sundays we hold a Youth In Action group which is focused on Social Justice activities. This coincides with the regular Sunday School timeslot of 10:15-11:15 approximately. Youth are invited into the first part of the service with their adults.
On Ingathering days, 6-12th graders are invited into the Ingathering with the K-5th graders as a helper role, or can stay in service with their grown-ups.
On All-Ages service days the middle and high school students are invited into the service the entire time.
If you would like your child to participate in our Coming of Age program, please contact Chelsea directly: [email protected] for more information
On Ingathering days, 6-12th graders are invited into the Ingathering with the K-5th graders as a helper role, or can stay in service with their grown-ups.
On All-Ages service days the middle and high school students are invited into the service the entire time.
If you would like your child to participate in our Coming of Age program, please contact Chelsea directly: [email protected] for more information
During the church year, Middle and High School youth have the option to attend classes or stay in the Sunday Service.