WHAT TO EXPECT on Sunday Mornings
(When We are Back in Our Building)
What to expect on Sunday mornings
For the latest information, please sign up for the Parent and Guardian weekly email by messaging Chelsea Krafka at: [email protected]
On a typical Sunday:
Children begin each Sunday in the service with their grown-ups. Children of any age are always welcome to stay in service the whole time with their adults. Children are then dismissed to head to their class after a 'time for all ages' which is usually a story. You can accompany them back to their class or let them go with the group on their own.
Our classes are divided into the following groups:
Middle School and High School (6-12)
SOMETIMES we have Ingatherings which are K-5th grade combined. These classes usually correlate with holidays or LPS days off. Middle/HS students are then invited in as helpers or to stay in service with their grown-ups or they attend Youth In Action if it's a first or third Sunday in the month.
SOMETIMES we have All-Ages Services. These services also correlate with holidays, LPS days off, or Unitarian Universalist traditions such as our 'Water Communion'.
For the latest information, please sign up for the Parent and Guardian weekly email by messaging Chelsea Krafka at: [email protected]
On a typical Sunday:
Children begin each Sunday in the service with their grown-ups. Children of any age are always welcome to stay in service the whole time with their adults. Children are then dismissed to head to their class after a 'time for all ages' which is usually a story. You can accompany them back to their class or let them go with the group on their own.
Our classes are divided into the following groups:
Middle School and High School (6-12)
SOMETIMES we have Ingatherings which are K-5th grade combined. These classes usually correlate with holidays or LPS days off. Middle/HS students are then invited in as helpers or to stay in service with their grown-ups or they attend Youth In Action if it's a first or third Sunday in the month.
SOMETIMES we have All-Ages Services. These services also correlate with holidays, LPS days off, or Unitarian Universalist traditions such as our 'Water Communion'.