Our theme for the month of October is Generosity. In the most obvious way, this is tied to our annual giving campaign: over the course of the month, members and friends are putting in their pledges of financial and volunteer support for coming year, and from that information the congregation’s leadership is putting together the 2024 budget that our members will vote on in December. If you are a member, please turn in a pledge form, and consider increasing your pledge: inflation has affected everything from the health insurance premiums for our staff team, to the cost of software that we use to send out the eBlast every week.
More than simply asking for your generosity in pledging, however, I hope we can spend time in worship this month considering how we cultivate a generosity of spirit in this place. I was talking with one of our lay-leaders this week, and we were both struck by the need to talk about faith formation as a central task of the church. When we talk about transformation in our vision for the world, we are not just wanting to transform the world, making a more just and peaceful home. We are also committing to the work of transforming ourselves, becoming the best version of each of us, through engaging in this community. So this month, don’t just send in your pledge form (but definitely at least send in your pledge form!), think about how you will work to become the best, most generous version of yourself at the Unitarian Church of Lincoln. What do you need to move through that transformation? What do the other people in this community need from you, in order to do the same?
AuthorRev. Oscar Sinclair serves as the Settled Minister for The Unitarian Church of Lincoln, Nebraska. Archives
March 2024
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