Dear UU Parents and Guardians,
It would be lovely if you could join us for our weekly gatherings! Here is what is currently being offered: *Sunday School * Approximately: 30 minute program geared towards K-5 but open to all ages Sundays at 11am Please email me for the link Drag Queen Story Hour This Sunday!!! This summer you will find: Drag Queen Story Hour, Yoga with Maggie, and the Pioneers Park Nature Center as well as guests from our very own UU volunteer pool of caring adults. Each week is something different! *Middle and HS Zoom * We are now combining with Omaha youth groups and this will be offered *Wednesday* nights 7-8:30pm Come meet some other cool UUs! Please email me for the link *Parent and Guardian Chat: * The chance for parents and guardians to just get together and Every other Thursday 8pm and every other Wednesday noon Wednesday July 1st at noon Link: Password: lovemykids Thursday July 9th at 8pm Link: Password: lovemykids *New Youtube links for this week!* Music with Miss Molly: Story with Miss Heather: Story with Ms Alexa: This week I am focusing my time and attention on my professional development at our annual General Assembly conference. One incredible article which was a point for discussion during Professional Days for Directors of Liberal Religious Education was this, and I highly encourage you to take a moment to read it. 'Dreaming Accountablility' I will be back with a video and weekly message next week.
Dear UU Parents and Guardians,
It would be lovely if you could join us for our weekly gatherings! Here is what is currently being offered: THIS SATURDAY NIGHT! UU movie night! 'UP', a Pixar film, for youngsters and oldsters and in-betweensters! ZOOM showing starting at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 20. Please share this with others. *Sunday School * Approximately: 30 minute program geared towards K-5 but open to all ages Sundays at 11am Please Email Me for the Link Shelly is leading this Sunday the 21st and asks that you bring a toilet paper roll to do the activity! This summer you will find: Drag Queen Story Hour, Yoga with Maggie, and the Pioneers Park Nature Center as well as guests from our very own UU volunteer pool of caring adults. Each week is something different! *Middle and HS Zoom * *CHANGE!* We are now combining with Omaha youth groups and this will be offered *Wednesday* nights 7-8:30pm Come meet some other cool UUs! Please Email Me for the Link *Parent and Guardian Chat: * The chance for parents and guardians to just get together and Every other Thursday 8pm and every other Wednesday noon Thursday the 25th at 8pm Link: Password: lovemykids Wednesday July 1st at noon Link: Password: lovemykids *New Youtube links for this week!* Music with Miss Molly: Story with Miss Heather: *Chelsea's Meditation*: The meditation lessons which I am doing are geared towards K-5th graders, but everyone is welcome to them. The theme for my lesson this week was: Not stealing, and gratitude I read the book: Zen Shorts: 'Uncle Ry and the Moon' Reflection: When I was about 14 years old, I was on a trip to a church conference with a few of my friends and my mom. I had been on a weird kick of stealing those little table signs from restaurants. You know - the ones that say: "Pancakes - All You Can Eat Mondays 6-7pm!" I went through a few weird phases. I kept them on my dresser. There was really no reason for stealing these and collecting them besides I thought it was funny. We had stopped at a Cracker Barrel. They didn't have one of the table signs, but they did have a small ceramic dish full of sugar. I put it in my purse. When we got to the van and were cruising along the highway again, I showed my friends. My mom overheard. "Okay - the next Cracker Barrel we find you are going to take that back and apologize!" I couldn't understand. "They probably cost 25 cents! No one will miss it!" However, my mom wanted to make the point that it really didn't matter the worth or value of something, it was that stealing is not right. We stopped at the next Cracker Barrel. I apologized. The host looked at me like I was crazy, "These probably cost like 25 cents", she said. However, I understood what my mom was trying to teach me. To this day, I will remember this story whenever seeing any of those little signs or sugar dishes at restaurants. I'm grateful for a mother, however much embarassing, who taught me the value of having morals. Thoughts from Sumi Loundon Kim: Living together brings up fundamental questions about what is ours and what is shared, not only in terms of possessions, but also in terms of space and time. Of course, we parents are constantly reinforcing lessons around sharing with our children. For example, some families ask the birthday child to give a present to their siblings on that special day, even as they receive many presents themselves. Others may ask the kids to cut a dessert in half themselves and then give the larger piece to their sibling (This results in hairsplitting, precise techniques for cutting said dessert!) We also look at our own behaviors around sharing and negotiating time and space as we model such behaviors for our children. We can also provide leadership in our family by regularly expressing gratitude for what we have in our lives, including our own family members. Verbalizing what we are grateful for helps the children appreciate all that they have. Expressing gratitude for simple things like access to clean water, food, and the local public library helps children become attuned to the abundance in their lives. In time, this will reduce the feeling of insufficiency that is constantly marketed to us through advertising....It is important however not to amplify any feelings of pity or superiority that might come from noticing the abundance in our lives in relation to others. Instead, reinforce the messages that with all that we have we are in a strong position to help others, and that real happiness doesn't come from what we own, but from what we share. *Discussion Questions for the Week*: 1. Have you ever taken something that wasn't yours? How did you feel about it then? And now? 2. How does the culture around you promote overconsumption? Do you think consuming more than is needed is a form of stealing or not? 3. What states of mind lead to the act of stealing? 4. What are you grateful for in your life? 5. When you touch that gratitude, do you find you want more or do you feel satisfied with what you have? 6. What practices of sharing and ownling do you have in your family? How do you negotiate ownership? Dear UU Parents and Guardians,
It would be lovely if you could join us for our weekly gatherings! Here is what is currently being offered: *Sunday School * Approximately: 30 minute program geared towards K-5 but open to all ages Sundays at 11am Email me for the link This summer you will find: Drag Queen Story Hour, Yoga with Maggie, and the Pioneers Park Nature Center as well as guests from our very own UU volunteer pool of caring adults. Each week is something different! *Middle and HS Zoom * *CHANGE!* We are now combining with Omaha youth groups and this will be offered *Wednesday* nights 7-8:30pm Come meet some other cool UUs! Email me for the link *Parent and Guardian Chat: * The chance for parents and guardians to just get together and Every other Thursday 8pm and every other Wednesday noon Thursday the 25th at 8pm Link: Password: lovemykids Wednesday July 1st at noon Link: Password: lovemykids *New Youtube links for this week!* Music with Miss Molly: Story with Ms Alexa: Story with Miss Heather: *Weekly Message for Parents and Guardians* Theme this week: Kindness and Compassion *Chelsea's Meditation*: The meditation lessons which I am doing are geared towards K-5th graders, but everyone is welcome to them. The theme for my lesson this week was: Kindness and Compassion I read the books: "The Mouse and the Buddha" Metta Chant: May I be free from enmity and danger May I be free from mental suffering May I be free from physical suffering May I take care of my own happiness May my parents, teacher, family, and friends be free from enmity and danger be free from mental suffering be free from physical suffering may they take care of their own happiness May all beings be free from enmity and dangers, be free from mental suffering, be free from physical suffering may they take care of their own happiness May all beings be free from suffering May whatever they have gained not be lost All beings are owners of their own karma As far as the highest plane of existence to as far down as the lowest plane in the entire universe May all beings be free of mental suffering and enmity and from physical suffering and danger. Thoughts from Sumi Loundon Kim: Stealth metta. One way to develop a habit of goodwill is to continue to send metta in the company of others. While traveling on a bus, plane, or train, you can silently send metta to individuals around you. During a meeting, you can send metta to your colleagues. while waiting to pick up a child from school, you can send metta to the children spilling out of the school and the parents picking them up. There's no need to look different or do anything different, and certainly you want to keep your wits about you and stay safe. Wherever you are, send metta to everyone you see. Don't be surprised if people are more open and friendly as a result! *Discussion Questions for the Week*: 1. Who in your life is an incredibly dear friend? How do you show them you care about them? 2. When we practice Metta meditation, we send love to: ourselves, our friends, someone we have neutral feelings about, and someone we have negative feelings about. Is there anyone in your life that is a 'neutral person'? Why are they in that place and not another? 3. What might it be like to extend loving-kindness to family members with whom you have a generally good relationship? How about those with whom you disagree often? Dear UU Parents and Guardians,
It would be lovely if you could join us for our weekly gatherings! Here is what is currently being offered: Sunday School Approximately: 30 minute program geared towards K-5 but open to all ages Sundays at 11am Email me for the link This summer you will find: Drag Queen Story Hour, Yoga with Maggie, and the Pioneers Park Nature Center as well as guests from our very own UU volunteer pool of caring adults. Each week is something different! Middle and HS Zoom CHANGE! We are now combining with Omaha youth groups and this will be offered Wednesday nights 7-8:30pm Come meet some other cool UUs! Email me for the link Parent and Guardian Chat: The chance for parents and guardians to just get together and Every other Thursday 8pm and every other Wednesday noon Thursday the11th at 8pm Link: Password: lovemykids Wednesday the 17th at noon Link: Password: lovemykids New Youtube links for this week! Music with Miss Molly: Story with Ms Alexa: Story with Miss Heather: Weekly Message for Parents and Guardians Theme this week: "Kindness for a Cause" (also - 'Let's Talk About Race') Chelsea's Meditation: The meditation lessons which I am doing are geared towards K-5th graders, but everyone is welcome to them. The theme for my lesson this week was: "Kindness for a Cause" I read the books: "Let's Talk about Race" and "Say Something" Reflection: These past couple weeks have been ROUGH. Difficult emotionally for me as a human, but also as a mom. Explaining racism to my 5 and 3yr-olds is no easy task, but it is important. I don't know about you, but I have been having a hard time finding the right words to say. My mind is reeling with my own heartache, and sadness, and anger. I also have to figure out language and resources for how to talk to my own children. This. Is. Not. Easy. I loaded up all three of my children in the van and told them that we were going to drive by the protest. We were going to honk our horn in solidarity because, "In our family we believe that each person deserves kindness - no matter what you look like". We drove by several times. The children waved. I cried. I smiled. We got ice cream afterwards. So now, as a Director of Religious Education Director, I need to think through how I might talk with YOUR children about what is going on with regards to the murder of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement and solidarity and protesting and riots and and and.... As far as I have been keeping track, the group who primarily has been watching the YouTube videos and participating on Sundays seems to steer pretty young - ages kindergarten through 2nd grade. So, I decided to create a video which would help set the foundation for conversations within your own family. If you would like a heads-up about the video which I created this week - read on.... This is the outline: *I mention how children may have noticed adults feelings. How they may have noticed adults talking about protesting or the phrase, "Black Lives Matter". *I read the book, "Let's Talk About Race" which is a recommended reading on the Black Lives Unitarian Universalist (BLUU) website. *I talk about how people who are black have been treated unfairly. How we as Unitarian Universalists have a principle where we say "each person deserves dignity and respect". *I then ask - "What do we do when we see someone not being treated well?" *I read the book, "Say Something" which encourages children to take a stand and use their voice *I conclude with a loving-kindness metta meditation which sends love out to others as well as back to ourselves *I admit during the video at some point how this is hard for me and that I am doing the best that I can. These are hard conversations to have ((ESPECIALLY when it's on pre-recorded video and I don't even entirely know my audience)) I sent an email this last week which included a few resources for talking with children. Here are a few more resources which I have come across: A loving-kindness meditation for ADULTS which was created after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia. A meditation for victims of racism and violence: Sesame Street is hosting a Town Hall tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 9am Central Time: I also came upon a family-friendly virtual online protest hosted through facebook if you would like your children to make signs and go to a rally online with you:¬if_t=group_activity Words by Sumi Loundon Kim: 'Kindness for a Cause' Service, engagement, and relieving the suffering of others requires considerable energy and effort over the long term. Many activists share that they began their work because they were outraged by injustice, fearful of the consequences of certain policies, or harbored ill will toward those who caused harm. These energies of anger, fear, and hatred are powerful. But while they burn brightly, giving someone the initial momentum to seek change, they are hot and quickly run out. In this way, these energies may lead to burnout. In addition, as the anger or hatred gets expressed, they cause further suffering for both the person using them as well as for others around them. What, then, are some renewable, clean energy sources for long-term activism and engagement? Kindness, generosity, love, joy, friendship, wisdom, and inner peace provide sustainable energy for our work. These energies nourish not only the receiver, but also the giver. And wonderfully, there's no limit to how much of these we can have: while there is such a thing as too much anger, there is no downside to infinite love, kindness, or peace. ((Chelsea's aside: Sumi's words are from a Buddhist perspective - taking meditation into consideration. Sumi's words are not meant to belittle any form of anyone's activism or the warranted anger which recent events have spurred)) Discussion questions to consider this week: 1. What role do you see service playing in your child's spiritual formation? Do you include activism in your family's agenda on a regular basis? Why or why not? What is your family passionate about doing to make the world a better place? 2. How do you talk to your children about difficult topics when you yourself are struggling to comprehend or process? What tools or resources may be helpful to you? 3. When the world seems so overwhelming, or you feel helpless, what do you do? What do you want to teach your children to do when they feel this way? Okay...this is now one of my longest emails to parents ever I think. If you have gotten this far and feel inclined to share your thoughts with me, I'd love to hear from you. Thank you for being a part of my village. |
AuthorChelsea Krafka is the Director of Religious Growth for the Unitarian Church of Lincoln. Archives
August 2021
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