Dear UU Parents and Guardians,
All Ages Community Activity Stop by the church and take a photo! We are using #UnitarianChurchLincolnathome when posting to social media or send an email to me with your photos :) An excuse to visit the church - outdoors - safely. The posters are located around the back of the church near the playground Please be aware that Bluestem Montessori might be out playing if you stop by M-F before 5pm. Our theme for the next "Sunday School in a Bag" will be our 2nd principle, and based upon the notion of kindness. Feel free to get a jump start with this theme by taking a photo with this cool poster. Family Spotlight! In an effort for us to remember seeing faces, and to get to know one another better, I am going to spotlight one family each month in our church newsletter. (SO easy. PLEASE sign up. I promise it will not take much time at all.) So far we only have 4 families signed up!!! Plenty of spots left. Sign up HERE to participate It would be lovely if you could join us for our weekly gatherings! Here is what is currently being offered: *Sunday School * Approximately: 30 minute program geared towards K-5 but open to all ages Sundays at 11am Please email me for the link *Middle and HS * We are joining up with the Omaha youth groups - Wednesdays at 7pm Please email me for the link We now have a DISCORD link! We invite all Middle and High School students from Omaha and Lincoln to join us for discussion and community through this app. 'Would you rather' questions - Thoughts along our monthly Soul Matters themes - 'Big questions' related to UUism. Also - a "Pet Page"!!! So much fun. ***Be aware that once joining Discord, it opens up the app to multiple pages which will need to be moderated by students themselves and their parents/guardians for security. *Parent and Guardian Chat: * The chance for parents and guardians to just get together and chat Every other Thursday 8pm and every other Wednesday noon Wednesday 11/4 -noon Link: Password: lovemykids Thursday 11/12 - 8pm Link: Password: lovemykids Videos This Week: Story with Miss Chelsea: "The Other Way to Listen" by Byrd Baylor NEW THIS MONTH! Theme: Deep Listening These materials come to us from the Soul Matters Curriculum team "On the Porch" - Raising a Child of Deep Listening Together Additional Resources for Parents With Deep Listening Theme: From the "On Being Blog" Creating Family Covenants: "Song of the Universe" by Manish K. Mishra-Marzetti Here’s the monthly inspirational video from Teresa for October and Deep Listening:
Dear UU Parents and Guardians,
All Ages Community Activity Stop by the church and take a photo! We are using #UnitarianChurchLincolnathome when posting to social media or send an email to me with your photos :) An excuse to visit the church - outdoors - safely. The posters are located around the back of the church near the playground Please be aware that Bluestem Montessori might be out playing if you stop by M-F before 5pm. Our theme for the next "Sunday School in a Bag" will be our 2nd principle, and based upon the notion of kindness. Feel free to get a jump start with this theme by taking a photo with this cool poster. Family Spotlight! In an effort for us to remember seeing faces, and to get to know one another better, I am going to spotlight one family each month in our church newsletter. (SO easy. PLEASE sign up. I promise it will not take much time at all.) So far we only have 4 families signed up!!! Plenty of spots left. Sign up HERE to participate It would be lovely if you could join us for our weekly gatherings! Here is what is currently being offered: *Sunday School * Approximately: 30 minute program geared towards K-5 but open to all ages Sundays at 11am Please email me for the link *Middle and HS * We are joining up with the Omaha youth groups - Wednesdays at 7pm Both MS/HS meetings can be found at this link: Please email me for the link We now have a DISCORD link! We invite all Middle and High School students from Omaha and Lincoln to join us for discussion and community through this app. ***Be aware that once joining Discord, it opens up the app to multiple pages which will need to be moderated by students themselves and their parents/guardians for security. *Parent and Guardian Chat: * The chance for parents and guardians to just get together and chat Every other Thursday 8pm and every other Wednesday noon Thursday 10/29 Link: Password: lovemykids Wednesday 11/4 Link: Password: lovemykids Videos This Week: Story with Miss Chelsea: The theme this month is "Deep Listening" - lightening up the mood a bit with a funny story, "The Book With No Pictures" NEW THIS MONTH! Theme: Deep Listening These materials come to us from the Soul Matters Curriculum team At the Bedside - Deep Listening Celebrating Deep Listening with a Remembrance Ritual Additional Resources for Parents With Deep Listening Theme: On Being episode, "Listening In the Cracks" I just started the first lesson for Beloved Conversations. The following poems were offered as a part of this lesson. (Content Note: these poems contain images that contrast the violence, pain, and impact of white supremacy culture, patriarchy and capitalism with a world that could be and is not yet. Please practice self-care as you engage these texts.)
Dear UU Parents and Guardians,
Look out for 'Sunday School in a bag' which will be arriving at your doorstep in the next two weeks if you registered your children prior to Oct. 1st It would be lovely if you could join us for our weekly gatherings! Here is what is currently being offered: *Sunday School * Approximately: 30 minute program geared towards K-5 but open to all ages Sundays at 11am Email me for the link *Middle and HS * We are joining up with the Omaha youth groups - Wednesdays at 7pm Both MS/HS meetings can be found at this link: Email me for the link We will also be offering a moderated Discord (app) group with details to come later as well. *Parent and Guardian Chat: * The chance for parents and guardians to just get together and chat Every other Thursday 8pm and every other Wednesday noon Wednesday 10/7 Noon Link: Password: lovemykids Thursday 10/15 8pm Link: Password: lovemykids Family Spotlight! In an effort for us to remember seeing faces, and to get to know one another better, I am going to spotlight one family each month in our church newsletter. (SO easy. PLEASE sign up. I promise it will not take much time at all.) So far we only have 4 families signed up!!! Plenty of spots left. Sign up HERE to participate Videos This Week: Story with Miss Chelsea: ***For the time being, we will no longer have preschool videos due to budget cuts NEW THIS MONTH! October Theme: Deep Listening These materials come to us from the Soul Matters Curriculum team at the UUA 'Around the Neighborhood' - A treasure hunt for deep listening while you are on a walk 'From the Mailbox' - Deep listening through meditation Additional Resources for Parents With Deep Listening Theme: David Isay - 'Listening as an Act of Love' - Listening Anew to the “Violence” of Today’s Protests It’s striking how conversations about racial justice protests quickly move from the pain and moral demands that sit at the center of those protests to the violence that sometimes lives at the edges of them. Deep listening helps us notice how certain “narratives” and “frames” about the violence actually work to remove the protests’ moral demands and pain from the center of the discussion, how they distract and in many cases seek to undermine that work for justice. And these frames don’t just live “out there”; they live inside many of us as well. So this month, using the below toolkit article as your guide, take some time to listen anew to these unhelpful frames, and learn how to challenge them in ourselves and others. SURJ Toolkit: Calling People in Around "Violence" Dear UU Parents and Guardians,
Look out for 'Sunday School in a bag' which will be arriving at your doorstep in the next two weeks if you registered your children prior to Oct. 1st It would be lovely if you could join us for our weekly gatherings! Here is what is currently being offered: *Sunday School * Approximately: 30 minute program geared towards K-5 but open to all ages Sundays at 11am Please email me for the link *Middle and HS * We are joining up with the Omaha youth groups - Wednesdays at 7pm Both MS/HS meetings can be found at this link: Please email me for the link We will also be offering a moderated Discord (app) group with details to come later as well. *Parent and Guardian Chat: * The chance for parents and guardians to just get together and chat Every other Thursday 8pm and every other Wednesday noon Wednesday 10/7 Noon Link: Password: lovemykids Thursday 10/15 8pm Link: Password: lovemykids Family Spotlight! In an effort for us to remember seeing faces, and to get to know one another better, I am going to spotlight one family each month in our church newsletter. (SO easy. PLEASE sign up. I promise it will not take much time at all.) So far we only have 4 families signed up!!! Plenty of spots left. Sign up HERE to participate Videos This Week: Story with Miss Chelsea: 'Introducing Teddy' - A gentle story about gender and friendship It's always good to listen - DEEPLY listen- when someone tells you something very important about themselves, especially if it is something where they are being vulnerable and having the courage to talk to you. ***For the time being, we will no longer have preschool videos due to budget cuts NEW THIS MONTH! October Theme: Deep Listening These materials come to us from the Soul Matters Curriculum team at the UUA Family Worship Guide - Deep Listening At the Table - Questions for Discussion - Deep Listening Additional Resources for Parents With Deep Listening Theme: On Being interview with Krista Tippet with one of my favorite poets, Mary Oliver: 'Listening to the World' Mindfulness article 'The Power of Deep Listening' |
AuthorChelsea Krafka is the Director of Religious Growth for the Unitarian Church of Lincoln. Archives
August 2021
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