Dear UU Parents and Guardians,
Chalice lighters needed! Is your family willing to send in a video of you lighting a chalice (or a candle) to be used during our YouTube services? If so - please send as an email attachment or as a link to a google file (make sure it's 'shareable') to me by December 31st at the latest. The video will likely have words or music dubbed over it - so no need to say anything. Simply light the chalice and smile :) It would be lovely if you could join us for our weekly gatherings! Save the Dates! Stuffed Animal Sleepover! While the church is empty, our stuffie friends will play! Adults and children alike are invited to bring a stuffed animal friend to the church and place in a rubbermaid container outdoors. Drop off stuffies December 19 and 20 from Noon to 5:00PM or December 21 from 5:30PM-7:30PM. PLEASE be sure this is a friend you can be without for an extended period of time! The animals will quarantine for 3 days before playing with one another. Chelsea will record the entertainment that ensues over LPS Winter Break, and you will return to the church to pick up your friend and wash upon returning home January 2 or 3 from Noon to 5:00PM or January 4 from 5:30PM-7:30PM. All stuffed animals must register. More details and registration form will arrive in this email next week. Here is what is currently being offered: NO SUNDAY SCHOOL THIS WEEK! Please join us at 10am on YouTube for an ALL AGES service! There will be a story, an activity, and singing! We will also have a Town Hall meeting after the service (overlapping with when we would typically have Sunday School). Please check the daily e-blast for the links to these events or email Jean if you need the information: [email protected] *Middle and HS * We are joining up with the Omaha youth groups - Wednesdays at 7pm Please email me for the link We invite all Middle and High School students from Omaha and Lincoln to join us for discussion and community through this app. 'Would you rather' questions - Thoughts along our monthly Soul Matters themes - 'Big questions' related to UUism. Also - a "Pet Page"!!! So much fun. ***Be aware that once joining Discord, it opens up the app to multiple pages which will need to be moderated by students themselves and their parents/guardians for security. *Parent and Guardian Chat: * The chance for parents and guardians to just get together and chat Every other Thursday 8pm and every other Wednesday noon Wednesday the 2nd at noon Link: Thursday the 10th at 8pm Link: Videos This Week: Story with Miss Chelsea: NEW THIS MONTH! Theme: Healing These materials come to us from the Soul Matters Curriculum team On the Porch - Raising a Child of Healing Together The Extra Mile Additional Resources for Parents With Healing Theme: Everyone's History Matters: The Wampanoag Indian Thanksgiving story deserves to be known Why These Native Americans Observe A National Day Of Mourning Each Thanksgiving The Doctrine of Discovery: Why the Europeans considered the “New World” given by God to them And the People Stayed Home Kitty O’Meara A poem about hope (and healing) in Coronavirus times How to Narrate Your Life Story Trauma, Healing & Collective Power Spenta Kandawalla, Prentis Hemphill and Staci K. Haines, hosted by adrienne maree brown. We had a conversation about trauma, oppression, healing and organizing for structural change. We dug into the connections between personal, collective and structural transformation, and between healing and building collective power.
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AuthorChelsea Krafka is the Director of Religious Growth for the Unitarian Church of Lincoln. Archives
August 2021
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