Thursday, February 16 • 7:00PM • 6300 A St. or Livestream on YouTube
This contemporary evening service features music and spoken word. February’s Service will highlight the music of our very own A Street Band as they explore the topic of LOVE and every songwriter since Hildegard von Bingen.
On Sunday, February 26 at 10:00AM we will be joined by representatives from Voices of Hope.
The mission of Voices of Hope is "Our vision is that all victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as their families and communities, receive responsive, empowering services and support that meet their needs, both individual and cultural, through advocacy and education aimed at eliminating recurrence, challenging oppressive social institutions, and reducing violence and oppression." Check out their website to read more: All Share the Plate donations in February 2023 will support their work. Donations can be made by mailing a check to 6300 A Street, giving through our database - Realm, or text giving (Text "UCLincoln" and the amount you wish to give to 73256). Pictorial Instruction HERE. The topic of the Winter Lecture Series this year is Polarization in America: Is Foreign Policy Different? The presentations will be on Zoom on four successive Sundays beginning on February 19.
FIRST LECTURE: Sunday, February 19, 2023, 7:00 PM. Professor Thomas "Tim" Borstelmann, Thompson Professor of Modern World History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, will present a Zoom lecture on An Overview of Bipartisanship in American Diplomatic History. Click HERE for more information about future lectures. Zoom links in Friday eblasts. If you are not already receiving the Friday eblasts, reach out to the church office at [email protected] to get on the list. |
AuthorThe most recent news at the Unitarian Church of Lincoln Archives
January 2025
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