![]() Feb 28: Professor Peter C. Angeletti of the Nebraska Center for Virology in the School of Biological Sciences, UNL will present “Zoonosis of Sars-CoV,” explaining the origins of the virus and its transmission. 37th Series - Pandemics: Old & New The lectures begin at 7:00PM and end around 8:30PM, with a 45-minute lecture followed by an audience-driven Q&A. The recorded lectures and Q & A sessions will be posted to the church YouTube channel and linked to the website as soon as possible. To register and for further information, CLICK HERE and provide your name and email address. We will use this information to alert you about the upcoming lectures and to send you Zoom links. The last lecture of 2021: March 7. Professor Sharon R Stoolman specializes in pediatrics in the Division of Hospital Medicine at UNMC and practices as a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital and Medical Center. She will discuss “Sorting Through Racial Disparities in COVID-19.”
![]() “Democracies are threatened by the climate crisis and must evolve to meet the challenge. In order to help them do so, we all need to actively participate”. (The Future We Choose) 40 DAYS LENTEN CARBON FAST Carbon Fast action theme for this week: Advocacy – ultimately our most important action. There are a number of climate advocacy groups active locally. Choose one and become active.
Lenten Speaker’s Series on Faith, Justice and Climate Change Wednesdays beginning Feb 24 • 6:00PM - 7:00PM • Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81466060548 This series is sponsored by 1st Plymouth’s Climate Action Team. Details can be found by CLICKING HERE. The first speaker is this Wednesday, February 24. Rev. Dr. Brooks Berndt, UCC Minister for Environmental Justice, will talk about his book Cathedral on Fire and why climate change is an imperative for people of faith. Join us for online gaming streamed on STEAM. We usually play for a couple of hours with a bio break halfway through.
COFFEEHOUSE IS ONLINE WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS While we are online we play Jackbox games. We own several party packs so there is a lot of variety from drawing games to trivia, and lots more. All you need in order to play is a smartphone. You log into jackbox.tv on your phone and enter the four digit code that we give you for each game. Super easy. Your second device (computer, laptop, ipad) will be where you will view the graphics of the game through the zoom room. If you haven't played before we will walk you through it. Coffee House Game Night is hosted, on the fourth Friday of the month, by the LGBTQA Welcoming Committee of the Unitarian Church of Lincoln. When we are in person, we co-host Coffee House with PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). We do not post zoom links in pubic forums due to zoom-bombing. If you are seeing this event on a public page and would like to receive the zoom link, email [email protected]. Each spring our members vote for share the plate recipients for the following church year. This Sunday the offering plate will go to the Native Women's Task Force, one of the 2020/2021 recipients.
Tune into the service that premieres at 10:00AM Sunday, Feb 21 on our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/unitarianchurchoflincoln. We have included snippets from an interview conducted with Colette YellowRobe. The full interview will be uploaded to our YouTube channel soon. Colette speaks passionately about the work being done locally and nationally with Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG). If you would like to support the work of the Native Women's Task Force, you may:
The next lecture:
February 21. Professor Ali S. Khan, Dean, College of Public Health and Professor of Epidemiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center will discuss “Threats to Global Health and the Role of the World Health Organization.” 37th Series - Pandemics: Old & New The lectures begin at 7:00PM and end around 8:30PM, with a 45-minute lecture followed by an audience-driven Q&A. The recorded lectures and Q & A sessions will be posted to the church YouTube channel and linked to the website. To register and for further information, CLICK HERE and provide your name and email address. We will use this information to alert you about the upcoming lectures and to send you Zoom links. The last two lectures: February 28. Professor Peter C. Angeletti of the Nebraska Center for Virology in the School of Biological Sciences, UNL will present “Zoonosis of Sars-CoV,” explaining the origins of the virus and its transmission. March 7. Professor Sharon R Stoolman specializes in pediatrics in the Division of Hospital Medicine at UNMC and practices as a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital and Medical Center. She will discuss “Sorting Through Racial Disparities in COVID-19.” ![]() February 17 is Ash Wednesday that starts a 40-day period where many Christians observe a period of fasting, moderation, self-denial, and spiritual discipline. The Green Sanctuary Committee is asking church members to use this period to reflect on the Climate Crisis and exercise environmental discipline by taking actions to reduce your carbon footprint. Below is a list of some actions you can take to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions:
LGBTQA Welcoming Session
Saturday, February 20; 10:00 - 11:00AM; Contact Deb Hope for more information or the Zoom link: [email protected]. LGBTQ HISTORY Date: Feb 20 Leader: Suzanne Shackelford 37th Series - Pandemics: Old & New
The Lecture Series will consist of four sessions presented on four successive Sundays beginning February 14. Each will begin at 7:00PM and end around 8:30PM, with a 45-minute lecture followed by an audience-driven Q&A. The recorded lectures and Q & A sessions will be posted to the church YouTube channel and linked to the website. To register and for further information, CLICK HERE and provide your name and email address. We will use this information to alert you about the upcoming lectures and to send you Zoom links. February 14. Professor Carol Symes of the Department of History at the University of Illinois will discuss “Historical Perspectives of Pandemics.” February 21. Professor Ali S. Khan, Dean, College of Public Health and Professor of Epidemiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center will discuss “Threats to Global Health and the Role of the World Health Organization.” February 28. Professor Peter C. Angeletti of the Nebraska Center for Virology in the School of Biological Sciences, UNL will present “Zoonosis of Sars-CoV,” explaining the origins of the virus and its transmission. March 7. Professor Sharon R Stoolman specializes in pediatrics in the Division of Hospital Medicine at UNMC and practices as a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital and Medical Center. She will discuss “Sorting Through Racial Disparities in COVID-19.” Watch your email inbox Monday, February 15 for a short survey from the Task Force to Dismantle White Supremacy. The Task Force, established last year by the Board, needs your help in determining specific areas of concerns and interests as well as for generating ideas for the congregation’s work in the coming year.
We value your time and honest opinions. The survey will take about five minutes to complete. Each of the ten questions will be followed by a comment section for your use in providing additional feedback. The survey launch will be posted on UCL’s social Facebook pages. Be sure to check your SPAM folders, if you don’t receive it. (Hard copies will be sent to those who receive hard copies of the Beacon.) NOTE: The fall semester of Beloved Conversations--Within has been a tremendous resource and inspiration for many UCL church members. Registration for the spring semester of BC-Within is open now until February 26th. You may take it for the first time or for the second time—with new materials. The spring terms starts March 16. (See https://www.meadville.edu/fahs-collaborative/fahs-curriculum-catalogue/beloved-conversations/) If you have questions about the survey, please contact a Task Force member: Lori Straatmann, Dan Payzant, Emily Cameron Shattil, Morissa Raymond, Christine Davis, Jackie Egan, JoEllen Polzien, and Mary K Stillwell. |
AuthorThe most recent news at the Unitarian Church of Lincoln Archives
January 2025
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