The Social Justice Committee is partnering with the Black Leaders Movement to provide school materials to be distributed to students in Belmont, south of downtown, North 27th St, and Havelock. Drop off your donations July 25 to August 4 when the church is open (Tuesday-Friday 9:00-1:00 and Sunday 9:00-12:00).
Elmer’s glue sticks Elmer’s washable school glue Crayola crayons (box of 24) Pink Pearl eraser #2 pencils Pencil top erasers Pencil sharpener Colored pencils Yellow highlighters Black fine tip or ultra fine tip Sharpie Blue, black, and red pens Expo whiteboard markers Expo dry erase markers 1” 3-ring binder College ruled loose leaf 3-hole paper Wide ruled loose leaf 3-hole paper Dividers for binders Composition books Spiral notebooks—wide-ruled Pocket folders 12” ruler Scissors—blunt tip and regular Calculator Post its Index cards—white, plain and ruled Stretchable book covers Combination lock Rolling back pack (elementary school) Back pack Thermal lunch box
We invite you to join us as we gather in new ways! Keep an eye on eblasts and announcements for details of times and locations.
EMERGE is an intransitive verb meaning "to become manifest." The staff of the Unitarian Church of Lincoln (UCL) is working hard to manifest opportunities for our members and friends to safely gather in-person indoors and outdoors. We began offering in-person Sunday Worship Services at 100% capacity in June 2021. We have created plans for several events over the summer that will each be family-friendly, all-ages events.
For more information about Re-Entry, click HERE. If you would like to sign up to receive the eblast and electronic newsletter, use the SUBSCRIBE button in the footer of this website. The LGBTQA Welcoming Committee is excited to announce July Coffeehouse will be live and in person! And also online. Friday, July 23, 7-9 pm in the Gallery.
We will have board games in person, and also Jackbox games online. Choose your own adventure! Check your Friday eblast or contact the church office ([email protected]) for the zoom link. All ages welcome! Bring a board game, if you like. We have plenty to share. You can bring your own beverage and snacks, but we won't be eating together just yet. So bring your own coffee to Coffeehouse! Please join us! |
AuthorThe most recent news at the Unitarian Church of Lincoln Archives
January 2025
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