The Unitarian Church of Lincoln will offer a newcomer-focused class called Starting Point in May. This class is a prerequisite for the Membership Class on Saturday, June 5.
The Unitarian Universalist (UU) path is central to the Starting Point curriculum. Inspired by the classic UU slogan, “deeds not creeds,” Starting Point presents Unitarian Universalism as a particular way of journeying through the world rather than a set of beliefs to which one assents. This curriculum also addresses the question: “Will this place provide me with tools and partners for my journey?” The class will meet on Tuesday nights from 6:30 - 8:00PM for four sessions on Zoom, starting on Tuesday, May 4. To register, please email Kelly Ross at [email protected].
Please help us make this year's auction a success!
AUCTION INSTRUCTIONS ARE HERE! ONLINE AUCTION Bidding runs from Sunday, April 25 to Sunday, May 2! Don't miss out on all of the amazing services, events, meals and baskets that have been donated. Check back here for the link when it goes live! How It Works: We will join a long list of churches and other organizations that have successfully taken their auctions online to keep people safe and to help keep their organization financially stable. It Will Be Easy to Use: Check the Daily Eblasts for more information about how start; once in, the software will guide you. Once the auction launches, technical help will also be available to you. TASTY TREATS Between now and April 30, donors will sign up and commit to bringing their Tasty Treats by filling out the Auction Donation Form here: On May 1, Tasty Treat donors bring their goods to 6300 A Street between 8:30AM and 11:00AM. Offerings will be added to the online auction. At NOON on May 1, we will send out an eblast to let everyone know that the Tasty Treats are available. Give yourself a treat for May Day. You have 24 hours to bid! The auction closes 24 hours later and buyers come to the church on Sunday. WE HIGHLY ENCOURAGE BAKED GOODS BIDDING WARS WITH THE MINISTER! If you would like to sign up to receive electronic communication such as the daily eblasts, go to Sunday, May 9 at 10:00AM we will hold our first in-person Worship Service in over a year. Updated information is being posted to the RE-ENTRY PAGE of this website and sent out in daily eblasts and daily videos as things change.
As of April 20, 2021, the Covid-19 dial in Lincoln/Lancaster County is at low yellow, which activates a new level of our Step-Wise Plan. The Safety Team met on April 21, 2021 and determined the following:
Part of what we have missed this last year is hearing each other's voices. There are plans in place now for Re-Entry. We will soon be able to gather to worship and for fellowship.
Click HERE to listen to an interview with Phyllis Conway that Judy Hart conducted in 2019. To access the full list of interviews, click HERE. "When you hear the word history, what comes to mind? Do you think about artifacts, wars, legislation, or dates? Does your mind go to movies, documentaries, or that class field trip to Colonial Williamsburg? Believe it or not, there are more avenues of history than listed above, and one that seems to get the shaft, at least in academic circles, is oral history. Oral history is the collection of history straight from the public, often represented through interviews, stories, folklore, and even songs. When one verbally explains events, daily life, or society as he or she sees it, history has been revealed for analysis." #membersinthewild The Re-Entry Task Force has been hard at work for many weeks. We have made exciting plans which include offering opportunities for outdoor activities and worship services over the next several months, with full re-entry (two Sunday services, one live-streamed) in September as long as we are in Step E of the Stepwise Plan and the Lincoln-Lancaster Covid-19 Risk Dial is in Green. It is good to be able to look forward to ways that we can be together safely in the coming weeks. We developed a Stepwise Plan for Re-Entry and a Summer Emergence Series which were sent out in the April 2021 Newsletter. We are developing signage that will be used onsite as we begin gathering (Covid-19 and Re-Entry Behavior Expectations.) Practically, during May and June, we will be experimenting with meeting in person for worship. These will start out outdoors and be an opportunity to refine our hybrid worship approach. Our congregational year finishes on June 20 with Flower Communion. All of the links to the full documents are HERE. Thank you to everyone who responded to the recent survey which helped to guide much of our decision-making. Please contact someone on the Re-Entry Task Force if you have any questions. RE-ENTRY TASK FORCE MEMBERS Minister: Rev. Oscar Sinclair Board President: Trevor Jones Board Vice President: Lori Straatmann Program Council Chair: Karen Heafer Administrative Director: Jean Helms Religious Growth Director: Chelsea Krafka Facilities Cluster: Jackie Egan Sunday Services Cluster: Mary K Stillwell The Share the Plate recipient for April 2021 is the Center for People in Need. We will give any contributions to the offering plate (for share the plate) in April to this local organization.
As a part of the 4/18/21 Sunday 9AM Service on YouTube, you will hear from Chris Funk, Executive Director. The full interview will be posted to our YouTube channel. Their mission is to provide services and programs to low-income people that address their basic needs and help them achieve economic independence. They have played a key role in distribution of food throughout the pandemic. Once a year at the Spring Congregational meeting, members vote for ten local organizations (or Unitarian Universalist organizations) one of which is featured each month of the church year. |
AuthorThe most recent news at the Unitarian Church of Lincoln Archives
January 2025
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