Healing: Indigenous Programming during July
Sunday services, week-day activities, films, and other events will focus on the theme of Indigenous healing. A full calendar of activities—including events you can attend on your own--will be available shortly. Highlights include: Sunday, July 7: Introduction to Walking in the Footsteps of our Ancestors; Re-Indigenizing Southeast Nebraska with Judy Hart and Mary K Stillwell. Sunday, July 14, Erin Poor, Intertribal Medicine Collective founder, Native educator, and activist, will speak on Native healing arts and the congregation will join in a sacred tea ceremony. The last week of the month, Erin will offer a workshop on Garden Therapy. Date forthcoming. Sunday, July 21, Greg Victors, descendant of Standing Bear and member of the Ponca Tribe, known as the Wichita War Dancer will perform for adults and children during service. A Q&A with Mr. Victors will follow. Sunday, July 28, Gabriel Bruguier, Ihanktonwan Oyate (Yankton Sioux Tribe), Assistant Professor University Libraries, will speak on his work with Native students. Dr. Bruguier is a member of the Building Relationships Advisory Group for the Walking in the Footsteps of Our Ancestors. Other dates for your calendar: July 8, 7 PM, Monday: Vision Maker Media Film at the Ross July 11, 6 PM, Thursday: Voices of Native Women, Humanities Nebraska presentation, Beatrice Public Library July 18, 6:30-8 PM: Third Thursday–An Evening of Short Indigenous Films at UCL Aug. 1 – 4: Lincoln Indian Club Pow Wow, Lincoln Indian Center Sept. 6 – Dec. 21: Contemporary Indigeneity – Great Plains Art Museum Sept. 21: Otoe-Missouria Day Download Summer Indigenous Programming Calendar and Resource Guide, and watch the Friday eblasts for up-to-date information. If you are not signed-up to receive the weekly eblasts or monthly newsletter, use the "Subscribe to Mailing List" button in the footer in this website.
Sunday, August 4 * 1:00 - 4:00 PM Join in a fun Sunday afternoon of tea, treats, and outdoor games. If you did not already purchase a ticket through the auction, there is still time to get in on this special fun! ( Tickets available in the church office - ask if you have questions!)
Planned outdoor games include croquet, ladderball, and bocce. Indoors, you can enjoy the peaceful relaxation of the cool church while helping to complete a beautiful jigsaw puzzle. Join us on our church patio on Thursday May 16 at 7:00 PM as our minister, Rev. Dr. Oscar Sinclair and The A Street Band, lead by Dr. Bob Fuson, reinterpret the practice of tent revival through a contemporary Unitarian Universalist lens.
This is one of the services we look forward to the most. The A Street Band has a strong foundation in bluegrass, folk, and Americana. This service plays to our strengths and allows us to engage in some “musical reclamation." Each year our members vote for ten local non-profit organizations for our Share the Plate Program. Each month, with two exceptions, we select one Sunday and give the offering plate to one of the recipients.
The Share the Plate recipient for May 2024 is Center for People. We will be joined by Macala Carter, Executive Director, who will share more information about their important work. Learn more: www.centerforpeople.org You may contribute to Center for People anytime during the month of May 2024. If you would like to donate to Share the Plate, you can read about your options here: www.unitarianlincoln.org/donate You may have heard in service or in your classrooms what we’ve been referring to as “Article II” -- this is the part of the Unitarian Universalist Association's (UUA's) bylaws with the Seven Principles in it (as well as the UU Sources and Purpose statements.) (www.uua.org)
The Article II Study Commission is a group of UUs who were asked to look at the principles and sources and see whether they might need to change...and how. They came up with a new idea. Instead of principles, we would have Values and a Covenant that bind us together. To help us remember the new proposed words in Article II, Rev Elizabeth Mount created the acronym JETPIG which stands for: J: Justice E: Equity T: Transformation P: Pluralism I: Interconnection G: Generosity (and Love) Take our own stuffed JETPIG on an adventure for a week and upload a photo to our Jetpig Facebook page or email to me [email protected] while exploring one of the new proposed principles living our UU values! If you want to take JETPIG on an adventure, check in with Chelsea or the church office. If you want to recieve the weekly eblast and the monthly newsletter delivered to your inbod, sign up for the mailing list in the footer of this website. Sunday, March 31 • 11:30 AM • 6300 A St.
Join us after service for an egg hunt! Members have been collecting spare change to fill our eggs. The money will be donated to the local charity of the each child's choice. Options are: Lincoln's Little Free Pantries, OutNebraska, and the Center for People. Listen for the bell to ring for the egg hunt to start. We will gather on the patio to hunt outdoors if the weather is good. Our backup plan will be to hunt for eggs in the gallery and hallways if it is raining. All children from Preschool-5th grade can participate. Preschoolers will get a 30 second head start. Children are then invited to head back to the High School room to choose which organization to send their money to and receive a prize for participating! We will provide paper bags for collecting eggs. The Share the Plate recipient for April 2024 is Nebraska Religious Coalition for Reproductive Freedom (RCRF). On Sunday, April 28 at 10:00AM we will be joined by Trey Lusk who will tell us more about what is happening this year at RCRF! RCRF is an interfaith nonprofit organization that brings the moral force of religion to protect and advance reproductive health, choice, rights and justice through education, spiritual grounding, and advocacy.
All Share the Plate donations in April 2024 will support their work. Donations can be made by mailing a check to 6300 A Street, giving through our database - Realm, or text giving Text "UCLincoln" and the amount you wish to give to 73256). Pictorial instructions here: www.unitarianlincoln.org/donate ![]() CONNECT THE DOTS Important Dates: Now through April 7 Donations taken online - look for the donation form on the auction page. Will you donate a tasty treat, event, meal, basket or item for the auction this year? Dates to bring non-perishable items to church March 27 - April 6: Wednesday, March 27 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Saturday, March 30 9:00 AM - NOON Sunday, March 31 9:00 -11:00 AM and 1:00 AM - 3:00 PM Wednesday, April 3 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Saturday, April 6 2:00 - 4:00 PM April 14 at NOON BIDDING BEGINS April 28 at NOON BIDDING ENDS April 28 1:00 - 4:00 PM Pick up time for items and tasty treats. All of the links are on the auction page: www.unitarianlincoln.org/auction Saturday, Feb 3 at 10:00AM. Take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in your home by replacing your aging air conditioner and furnace with an air source heat pump! Get the facts about heat pumps at an educational event sponsored by the Green Sanctuary Committee and other local environmental organizations on Saturday, February 3, 10:00 - 11:30 AM at the Unitarian Church of Lincoln, 6300 A Street.
Resilient Electric Analytics estimates that the average cost difference between installing a traditional AC/gas furnace or an air source heat pump in a 2,400 square foot home in Lincoln is $1,700, and using a heat pump will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43 tons over its lifetime. The City of Lincoln and LES are offering a combo rebate of $1,800 with the purchase of a 15.2 SEER2 air source heat pump, so now is a good time to install one in your home. (SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio.) Speakers at the event will explain the basics of how a heat pump works, why it is important not to wait until your unit is broken to replace it, economic costs and environmental benefits of air source heat pumps, and rebates and tax credits available for installing heat pumps. Speakers include City Council Representative Bennie Shobe, former City Council Representative and State Senator Ken Haar, former City Council Representative Curt Donaldson, Lincoln’s Chief Sustainability Officer Kim Morrow, and Lincoln Electric System Manager of Energy Services Marc Shkolnick. Sunday, Feb 18 after Service in the Gallery, 6300 A Street, Lincoln, NE
This first potluck of 2024 is in advance of the annual Justice in Action Network meeting. Think of your best winter comfort food and consider bringing that to share with your fellow Unitarian Universalists (UUs). Even if you forget to bring a dish, you may join the group for some nourishment for your body before we feed our justice appetites. "LOVE WITHOUT ACTION IS A HALLMARK CARD", so preached the Rev. Dr. Oscar Sinclair in his Martin Luther King Day sermon. He further said that Justice in Action provides a focused and strategic opportunity for Unitarian Church of Lincoln (UCL) congregants to demonstrate our love for our Lincoln community. What Oscar didn't say, exactly, is: LOVE WITH ACTION IS SERVED WITH A POTLUCK. |
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